Minister Tarpeh: COVID-19 Food Distribution Hits 49 Communities Soon

Rice distributed during the State of Emergency

The Government of Liberia (GOL), through the COVID-19 Food Distribution Steering Committee and in collaboration with the World Food Program (WFP), is expected to complete the process of food distribution in 49 communities in Montserrado County soon. The head of the Steering Committee, Commerce Minister, Wilson Tarpeh, said the committee has completed the process in 12 communities and will complete it in 37 communities from now to Sunday, June 28, 2020.

   According to Minister Tarpeh, the Liberia Statistic and Geo Information Services (LISGIS) is carrying out the mapping of homes across the country, and while the process is on-going the Steering Committee, along with the WFP, is continuing with the distribution exercise. He explained that the exercise is rapidly going on in Montserrado County, and will soon be extended to other counties.

   The Minister indicated that since the commencement of the food distribution process everything has been on-going smoothly, noting that community dwellers themselves are greatly involved with the process. He told reporters on Wednesday, June 24, 2020 in the Warwin community, Capitol By-Pass, that beneficiaries of the COVID-19 food are appreciative of the gesture. According to him, in every single community the team goes residents always applaud President George M. Weah for the gesture, especially during this critical period.

   Responding to a question regarding the incident which occurred in Barnesville community involving some physically challenged people rejecting the food, the Minister emphasized that the Steering Committee is in control of the situation and, therefore, everything is under control.

   Some beneficiaries of the By-Pass community commended President Weah for his government’s goodwill in identifying with residents, especially within the vulnerable communities. Annie Teah, Comfort Davis and Alphanso Nimley praised President Weah for the food distribution during this global pandemic. According to them, the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) government has proved to citizens that President Weah, indeed, cares for the country and its citizens.

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