MOVEE Declares Weah Most Preferred Candidate For 2023


The Movement for Economic Empowerment on Saturday, February 25, 2023 held its Special National Emergency Convention, resolving to support the Standard Bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change, George Manneh Weah, in the upcoming 2023 presidential election, as he is the only presidential candidate who has met the criteria as the most suited, qualified, transformative and development-oriented presidential candidate with clearest and surest of vision and sense of purpose to lead Liberia and the Liberian people beginning January 2024.

   In his remarks at the Special National Emergency Convention, the Political Leader of MOVEE, Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. said, “I hereby declare that the most qualified, best suited and most deserving presidential candidate in the forthcoming presidential and legislative elections on October 10, 2023 is His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, and Standard Bearer of the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), and further declare the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) as the direction and coalition with the most shared vision and commonality in political ideology and principles with the New MOVEE to join in a Grand Coalition for acceptance and the endorsement by this Special National Emergency Convention.”

   He then informed the Special National Emergency Convention of the proposal for the New MOVEE to formally join the CDC for the purpose of ensuring the reelection of President Weah.

   Based on Kemayah’s approval, the Special National Emergency Convention resolved that the National Chairman of the party, Robert M. Sammie, leads a gender-inclusive team of relevant National Executive Committee members to consummate the formalities leading MOVEE to formally join the CDC and report to the Political Leader; and in consultation with the Political Leader, the Chairman organizes and executes a program befitting the occasion marking the signing ceremony of the Framework Document of the CDC at MOVEE’s Headquarters in Paynesville.

   The MOVEE Resolution was signed by Robert M. Sammie, Chairman; K. Mathew Shan, Jr., Vice Chair for Administration; Goodrich S. Cheayan, Vice Chair for Mobilization, Recruitment and membership; Jonathan A. Wordsworth, Secretary General; Angeline Gborie, Vice Chair for Women Affairs; and Othello Nagbe, Vice Chair for Inter-party and NEC Affairs. 

Special National  Emergency Convention Resolution to Join the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC)-2023

WHEREAS, the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) is a full-fledged political party accredited by the National Elections Commission (NEC) to participate in, conduct political activities, and enjoy all rights and privileges thereof;

WHEREAS, Article VII Section 2(cc) states that the National Executive Committee shall be the Only Body in the absence of the sitting of the National Convention that is clothed with the authority to make a decision on whether to support or endorse a political party or candidate outside of the Movement for Economic Empowerment, that is, if MOVEE decides or resolves not to field a candidate in any particular election;

WHEREAS, the National Executive Committee convened on October 9, 2022, and resolved that the Political Leader, H.E. Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., who is the Chief Representative and Negotiator of MOVEE, is authorized/mandated, in keeping with Article XI, Section 2a, to proceed with negotiation with any and all political parties whose philosophies and ideologies are in alignment with MOVEEs and begin fresh negotiations to form a coalition or an alliance to field a single presidential ticket in the ensuing 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections;

WHEREAS, the H.E Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Political Leader of the Movement for Economic for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) has officially informed the National Executive Committee of MOVEE through the National Chairman, Hon. Robert M. Sammie, of MOVEE of the decision to join the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and support the re-election bid of H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, in the impending October 10, 2023, Legislative and Presidential elections and mandated the National Leadership of the party to complete the formalities to enable the MOVEE formally joining the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC);

WHEREAS, Article VI Section 2(a) & (b) statethat the National Convention of MOVEE shall be the highest decision making body of the Party; and shall approve all policies and programs of the party;

WHEREAS, the National Convention at itsSpecial National Emergency Sitting held on Saturday, February 25, 2023, received and endorsed/approved the decision of the H. E Ambassador Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Political Leader,  that the MOVEE formally joins the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and supports the reelection of H. E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia;

NOW THEREFORE, the Special National Emergency Convention of MOVEE has resolved as follow:

  1. That the National Chairman leads a gender-inclusive team of relevant National Executive Committee members to consummate the formalities leading MOVEE to formally join the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and report to the Political Leader; 
  • That,in consultation with the Political Leader,the Chairman organizes and executes a program befitting the occasion marking the signing ceremony of the Framework Document of the CDC at MOVEEs Headquarters in Paynesville;
  • That the National Chairman ensures the effective dissemination of the party’s decision to join the CDC to all partisans, supporters, sympathizers, and well-wishers of MOVEE in order to safeguard against misinformation and strengthen the partys national initiative under the theme “MOVEE Moves to the People,” which aims to locate, recruit, organize, and mobilize additional 511,000 eligible voters for the sole purpose of ensuring a “One-Round” victory of H. E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, and Standard Bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change;
  • Therefore, we hereby do affix our signatures in authentication of this Resolution on Saturday, this 25th Day of February A.D. 2023.  
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