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Amb. Joseph Boakai and Sen. Jeremiah Koung

NDC Resolves To Support Amb. Boakai’s Presidential Bid

As the date, October 10, 2023, slated for the general and presidential elections draws nearer, political parties in the country are presently putting their houses together as they move toward the date slated for the polls.

   In a similar manner, the National Democratic Coalition (NDC) on Saturday, July 8, 2023 successfully held its third National Convention in Saye Town, 3rd Street, Sinkor.

   The two political parties that make up the NDC: Free Democratic Party (FDP) and New Deal Movement (NDM) resolved to support the presidential bid of the Unity Party (UP) Standard Bearer, Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai.

   During Saturday’s convention, the tough-talking politician, Ciapha Gbollie, was unanimously elected as Chairman of the NDC on white ballot.

   The Vice Chairman for Administration was won by Thomas Kaydor, who is currently seeking medical attention in Ghana. George Toe was elected Vice Chairman for Mobilization and Operations. The Vice Chairman for Research and Planning was won by Morris Koroma, while Pewo Yankan was elected Secretary General, and Samuel Tamba elected Treasurer.

  Speaking briefly to the partisans, the out-going Chairman of the NDC, Prof. Alaric Tokpa, who conducted the election, announced that the NDC will support the UP for the October 10, 2023 elections. According to him, the position of Assistant Secretary General was not contested for, as the Rivercess delegates were suspended from the electoral process due to an issue earlier raised, and pending investigation.

   Meanwhile, Ambassador Joseph Boakai has extended thanks to the officials and members of the NDC for the support and welcomed them onboard the rescue train.

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