NEC BOC Denies Bility Lawyers’ Motion


The Board of Commissioners (BOC) of the National Elections Commission (NEC) has denied the consolidated motions to dismiss and judicial review as prayed for by lawyers representing Musa Hasan Bility and al in the inter-party conflict of the Liberty Party (LP).

   The Board of Commissioners in its ruling Friday instructed the Hearing Officer, Cllr. Muana Ville, to take charge of the matter and resume jurisdiction in the inter-party conflict case, involving Musa Hasan Bility and al versus Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence and Emmanuel Azango, all of the Liberty Party. To which ruling by the BOC of NEC, the petitioners’ lawyers, led by Cllr. Hilton Powo, accepted and said they will take advantage of the law controlling.

   In the board’s ruling on November 18, 2022, read by its Clerk, Fofee Sheriff, the board said the Hearing Officer did not err when he issued the stay order on the convention of the Liberty Party and the motion for judicial review.

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