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Hon. Jerry Kolubah Yogboh of District # 12, Montserrado County and supporters at NEC Headquarters

NEC Certificates Jerry Yogboh As District #12 Representative

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has certificated Jerry Kolubah Yogboh as Representative of electoral district #12, Montserrado County. Yogboh’s certification follows the failure of candidates Richmond Anderson and Prince Kreplah to perfect their appeal to the Board of Commissioners of the NEC, after the dismissal of their complaints by the Hearing Officer. Performing the certification, NEC’s Commissioner with oversight over Montserrado County, Floyd Saryor, congratulated Yogboh and presented the NEC certification of election to him.

Following the conduct of the October 10, 2023 legislative elections in electoral district # 12, Montserrado County, Richmond Anderson of the Liberia National Union (LINU) and Prince Kreplah of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) filed complaints against the election of Jerry Kolubah Yogboh as representative of the district. In their complaints, the two contestants requested the NEC to conduct recount and rerun in the district on the complaint of electoral irregularities. But, after hearing their complaints, NEC’s Hearing Officer dismissed them, thus legitimizing Yogboh as the winner of the district’s seat.

Responding to his certification, Yogboh extended hands of reconciliation to all former contestants in the district, and vowed to work with all in the interest of the district. He thanked the National Elections Commission (NEC) for conducting the 2023 presidential and legislative elections in a free, fair and transparent manner. The new representative of electoral district #12, Montserrado County, thanked the people of the district for electing him and vowed to serve their interest at the 55th Legislature. He promised to work assiduously and sincerely in meeting his legislative and developmental agenda for the district.

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