NEC Certificates People Restoration Party

NEC Chairperson presents certificate to PRP organizing chairman

The National Elections Commission (NEC) has certificated the People Restoration Party (PRP) as a full-fledged political party in Liberia.

   Presenting the certificate of election to the Organizing Committee Chairperson of the People Restoration Party (PRP), the Chairperson of NEC, Davidetta Browne Lansanah, said the PRP has satisfactorily met all requirements of Article 79 of the Constitution and Chapter III, Subchapter B of the Revised Guidelines and regulations for registration of political parties and independent candidates.

   The NEC boss said the People Restoration Party (PLP) documents submitted to the NEC was carefully scrutinized by the Political Affairs Section and found that it met all the registration requirements.

   The colorful and well attended accreditation ceremony of the PRP was held on Friday, 2 April 2021 in the James M. Fromayan Conference Hall at the headquarters of the NEC on 9th Street, Sinkor.

   Responding, the Organizing Committee Chairperson of the People Restoration Party (PRP), Richmond D.K. Yarkpah, described the occasion as remarkable and that the accreditation of the party was a testimony that the job of the NEC is based on professionalism.

   Yarkpah promised that the PRP will uphold the rule of law in Liberia and the election guidelines and regulations, in order to restore the dignity of Liberia and make it a better country. 

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