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Yiaga Africa initial team, including NEC Boss Browne Lansanah, IEC Chairman Mosotho Moepya and Samson Itodo, YIAGA Executive Director at the center

NEC Officials Off To S/Africa ToObserve Country’s National Elections

The Chairperson of the National Elections Commission (NEC), Davidetta Browne Lansanah, as well as Commissioner Josephine Kou Gaye and Election Magistrate Ernest McCay are in South Africa to observe that country’s National and Provincial Elections, slated for Wednesday, May 29, 2024. 

  The NEC-Liberia Chairperson is in South Africa as part of Yiaga Africa Election Study Mission to South Africa for the 2024 National Elections, scheduled for May 29,2024. Yiaga Africa embarked on this study mission to observe the 2024 general elections in South Africa as part of its “Transforming Electoral Governance in Africa (TEGA)” initiative. 

  According to the invitation to Browne Lansanah, the Yiaga Africa mission seeks to provide a platform for experience-sharing and the acquisition of good practices for election management, electoral technology, artificial intelligence, and issue-based politics. The mission is expected to provide an avenue for contributing to the body of knowledge on election through documenting comparative lessons in South Africa.

  The Yiaga study mission to South Africa includes ten delegates, and will run from May 24, 2024 to June 1,2024. 

  Upon her arrival in South Africa over the weekend, Browne Lansanah attended a debriefing session alone with former Nigerian President, Goodluck Jonathan, and the Chairman of the South Africa Elections Commission, Mosotho Moepya.

  In a related development, NEC-Liberia Commissioner,Josephine Kou Gaye, and the Election Magistrate of Gbarpolu County, Ernest McCay, are also in South Africa as international observers to the South African National and Provincial Elections, slated for May 29, 2024. 

  Both Commissioner Kou Gaye and Magistrate McCay are in South Africa based on an invitation from the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Development in Africa (EISA). While in South Africa, Commissioner Kou Gaye will form part of a 22-member short-term mission consisting of mainly civil society organizations and election management bodies from across Africa. Commissioner Gaye is expected to also attend briefing and debriefing sessions for observers, participate in meetings with electoral stakeholders in South Africa, observe pre-election activities, including, but not limited to, campaign rallies, voting and counting on the election day as well as the early stage of the results-transmission process.

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