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NEC Submits US$699,000 Budget For Two By-Elections

Headquarters of the National Elections Commission

The committees on Elections and Ways, Means, Finance and Development Planning have been authorized by the plenary of the House of Representatives to scrutinize over US$699,000 budget submitted by the National Elections Commission (NEC) for the conduct of the by-elections in two counties.

   Plenary’s decision was reached on Thursday, March 4, 2021 during the 15th Day Sitting of the 4th Session of that august body based on the NEC’s submission of a US$ 699,173.04 (six hundred ninety-nine thousand one hundred seventy-three United States dollars and four cents) budget for the holding of the by-elections in electoral district #1, Grand Gedeh County, and electoral district #1, Bomi County.

   The budget comprises US$359,162.27 for electoral district #1 in Grand Gedeh County and US$340,010.77 for district # 1, Bomi County.

   In fulfillment of Article 37 of the Liberian Constitution, the plenary of the House of Representatives on February 23, 2021 officially notified the National Elections Commission (NEC), informing that body of vacancies created by the election of Representative Zoe Pennue, electoral district #1, Grand Gedeh County, and Representative Edwin Snowe, electoral district #1, Bomi County, as senators in the December 8, 2020 special senatorial elections.

   Following the reading and deliberation on the communication, lawmakers of the House of Representatives unanimously agreed to turn the instrument over to the relevant committees to review and advise that august body within two weeks.

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