Nimba Community College To Get University Status

A bill to repeal an act of 2020 creating the Nimba County Community College (NCCC), establishing in lieu thereof the Nimba University College and grant it a charter, has been introduced in the House of Representatives by members of the Nimba Legislative Caucus.
The bill to repeal the 2010 act of the NCCC is sponsored by Nimba County’s district #9 Representative, Johnson Gwaikolo, and co-sponsored by all members of the Nimba Legislative Caucus. The first reading of the bill was done on Thursday, February 25, 2021 in plenary during the 13th day sitting of the 4th session of the 54th Legislature of the House of Representatives.
“Mr. Speaker, Deputy Speaker and distinguished colleagues, having applied to the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) for elevation of the Nimba County Community College (NCCC) to a full degree-granting institution, the NCCC administration, along with other stakeholders, worked assiduously with the National Commission on Higher Education to determine the preparedness of the college to be elevated as requested. Upon completion of its assessment of infrastructural facilities, academic programs, financial sustainability plan and staff development plan, NCHE has granted approval for the elevation of NCCC to offer bachelor’s degree programs,” the communication attached with the bill reads.
Following the first reading of the bill, a motion was made by Bong County’s district #6 Representative, Maima Briggs Mensah, to forward the bill to the House’s Joint Committee on Education, Ways, Means and Finance and Judiciary, to report to plenary in two weeks’ period.
Addressing reporters on Capitol Hill, Representative Gwaikolo said the assessment done by NCHE has convinced that body, which is responsible to elevate a college to university, that indeed NCCC should be granted university status.
The Nimba County district #9 Representative, who also chairs the House’s Committee on Education, pointed out that Nimba as a county is prepared in all capacities to have the university. He assured the public that the bill will get a smooth passage at the lower House.