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NPHIL Alarms Over Monkeypox Outbreak in Liberia

The National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) says it is informed of an outbreak of the Monkeypox virus (Mpox) in several countries of the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region, mainly in Central and West Africa. This Mpox outbreak has been determined by the WHO to be a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR).

According to a NPHIL press release, since the beginning of this year 2024, Liberia has accounted for 5 confirmed cases in 3 counties. In recent time, new cases have been confirmed in neighboring countries like Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire in the region.

The Mpox is the disease caused by the Monkeypox virus which belongs to the same family as the virus that causes smallpox. It is transmitted through various modes that include direct skin-to-skin contact, sexual contact with bodily fluids or lesions found around the anus, rectum, or vagina from an Mpox infected person, and through respiratory secretions and droplets, among others. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, swollen lymph nodes, muscles aches, among others.

Noting the nature of this outbreak and its rapid spread over several countries, the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) said, will heighten its surveillance system and strengthen its outbreak preparedness plan. NPHIL said they will work in collaboration with the Ministry of Health to activate measures and specific response mechanism in order to address any impending outbreak of Mpox in Liberia.

Meanwhile, the public is strongly advised to take the following preventive measures, such as constant hand-washing, avoiding sex with persons suspected of having Mpox symptoms, avoid close contact with persons suspected of Mpox symptoms, avoid animal contact, and report to the nearest medical facility any experience or observation of the Mpox symptoms listed above.

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