Rep. Hanson Kiazolu Humiliates Journalist


The management of OK FM Liberia says the humiliation of its reporter, Nyantee Togba, allegedly on the orders of Montserrado County’s district #17 Representative, Hanson Kiazolu, is anti-democratic and shameful.

   According to a press statement issued in Monrovia Friday, reporter Togba was attacked while providing live coverage of a protest before the home of Representative Hanson Kiazolu for OK FM’s Live Facebook Page.

   Protesters gathered before the home of the lawmaker to seek explanation on the expenditure of the controversial US$30k given each lawmaker at the National Legislature. 

   Reporter Nyantee was attacked on live video, while pleads to identify himself as a journalist was rejected. Pictures of Nyantee later emerged on social media sitting on the floor along with the protesters in the compound of Representative Kiazolu.

   Reporter Nyantee’s phone, which was being used for the live coverage, was seized by the mob acting on the instructions of the lawmaker.  The reporter and the protesters were taken away by officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) invited by the lawmaker.   

   The management of OK FM Liberia says such conduct of an elected official of government is a careless move intended to push journalists into self-censorship and limit much needed public scrutiny of individuals elected by the people as driven by the works of journalists.

   Journalists in the employ of OK FM and other journalists, the broadcaster emphasized, will not succumb to harassments from intolerant politicians who are against the sacred and Constitutionally defined role of the media in the Liberian democracy. 

​   The radio station is at the same time calling on the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) to act forcefully in the interest of press freedom in Liberia.

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