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“Our Mindset Informs Our Behavior”; Pres. Boakai Tells UMU Graduates

Liberia’s 26th President, Joseph N. Boakai, has told graduates of the United Methodist University (UMU) and others that mindset plays a pivotal role in society.

   “We must always remember that our mindset informs our behavior, which in turn shapes our society, and to build a better society it is important that we begin holding conversations that will lead to a positive mindset shift now,” President Boakai told the cheerful graduates and others. “It should not be about harmful individualism that leads to greed and corruption, but about societal change for the common good.

    “My dear graduates, I would like to speak to you briefly about a topic very dear to my heart, one of a mindset shift that is critical to the way we view our country, society, and each other.”

   The President, who spoke on the theme, “Transforming the Mindset for Societal Change”, said “change first starts with us individually before permeating the society”.

    Regrettably, the President said, instead of Liberians transforming their mindset, which develops society, they  spend more time bringing each other down and missing the opportunity to upgrade themselves.

   “We are aware that years of war and violence have had a social impact on our country, but we must also acknowledge that we have had many years of peace, stability, and opportunities to reshape society, in ways that should allow us to frown on behavior that eats the very fabric of society,” the President said.

   The President informed that the growing decline in good moral standards is of great concern to him, and “it is becoming increasingly evident that until we address bad public behavior in society generations will come to believe norms that are inimical to society”.

   He outlined, “The lack of respect and love for each other is demonstrated daily in many ways across society in the way we think and talk and use media channels, including the radio, to tear each other apart for greed and selfish reasons.

   “Citizens, it seems now, are prepared to undermine each other, and lie to protect their jobs, even if it is detrimental to the public good,” he said. “It is disheartening that very few people now subscribe to values and principles. These vices are becoming pervasive in society with young people feeding on them as the new normal.”

   He urged Liberians to start challenging these predominant norms that have overtaken the society and negatively impact behavior. He added that Liberians need a mindset shift to break the recurring challenges of underdevelopment in the country. “We must see things differently, treat others with mutual respect, and view service from a more compassionate lens than individualism and greed, which fuels the scourge of corruption so prevalent in our country.

   “I would like to quote Pope Francis who poignantly said, ‘Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself, and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is… Life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.’”

   The President said, “Change comes when we develop the mindset to break from the past and free ourselves of such notions, undermining progress. The change we must seek should challenge these societal vices and their agency. A transformed mindset that opens up the space and grants everyone equal opportunity builds the foundation for an equal and compassionate society.”

   However, the President said “the key to this transformation is education, which is why as graduates and students who have been taught to think, you must challenge the current mindset and question norms that are contrary to love, a compassionate spirit, integrity, honesty, and peaceful coexistence.

   “Your degrees should not just be about the knowledge you have acquired, but how well you are going to use it to impact the conversation and bring about collective change.

   “It is important to tune down the rhetoric and hold meaningful dialogues about the questions of society and how we should deal with each other across the divide. Peaceful conversations enable divergent perspectives on what confronts us as a country and how we can together address them. The false messages on Facebook are not helpful to future generations,” he informed. “My friends, the road to a new mindset is not walking alone; it is a journey that should involve us all, and taking a cue from a wise African proverb, ‘If we want to go farther on this road, we should walk together.’”

   To change society, the President told the graduates to always remember the power to change society is “with you–the way you think and behave will shift the mindset in the direction of truth, accountability, integrity, fairness, and transparency. I, therefore, challenge all of us to begin thinking of a new mindset that will transform our country and become the promise it was meant to be by the Founding Fathers. Let us live by the golden rule to do to others as we would have them do unto us.

   He pointed out that Tuesday marks more than just academic accomplishments. It is the beginning of a journey filled with boundless opportunities.

   “Many of you will likely pursue careers in the public sector to contribute to your country’s development. However, in this age of boundless opportunities, the private sector is emerging as a dynamic force for economic growth and innovation. I urge you not only to consider joining this sector but also to become pioneers in its expansion,” he said.

    “Imagine yourselves as entrepreneurs who shape industries and redefine business landscapes. I encourage you to also pursue studies in information technology, as this area is the new frontier we will be exploring to advance the country’s development. We will provide opportunities that will help you exploit your talents and be your own employer.”

   He urged the graduates to ensure that their pursuit of excellence is not just for themselves but for the benefit of society. He told the graduates that the knowledge they have gained should not be confined to academia but inspire others. “For those pursuing further studies, consider your role not only as scholars but also as agents of change who can challenge existing paradigms and drive transformative progress,” President Boakai told the graduates.

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