Pastor Nugba Urges Leaders To Submit To God

Pastor Samuel Fornatee Nugba

The Overseer of the Upper Room Temple Abosso Apostolic Faith Church of Jesus Christ, Pastor Samuel Fornatee Nugba, is urging Liberians, especially leaders, to turn their back to evil and submit to God, in order to see His wonders in 2021.

   Pastor Nugba made the statement last Sunday when a media group honored and certificated him as Pastor of the Year 2020. He spoke under the theme, “The Wonder of God”, Exodus 15:11. The program was held at the church edifice, Borough of New Kru Town.

   According to him, complaining cannot solve the problem, adding that hardship, immorality, hate, anger, jealousy and greed will only add to the turmoil. He noted that, until they can change their attitude and put God first the wrath of God will continue to befall the country and its citizenry.

   Pastor Nugba admonished Liberians to do away with rebelling against their leaders, because anyone who rebel against a leader has rebelled against God. He called on the citizenry to put a halt to evil activities in the nation to see the wonders of God in 2021.

   He noted that there are people in government and at the same time undermining the regime, describing them as old wine in new bottle. He challenged Liberians, especially leaders, to fear God, and called on the church to stop dancing to the tone of the government in order to be independent to speak to the ills in society for the improvement of the nation.

   Receiving the honor from the media group, Pastor Nugba said honoring him is like honoring the church for spreading the Good Message to change the minds of the wicked. He emphasized that the media should always stand up for the truth as watchdogs of the society.

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