Pres. Weah Declares Today National Public Service Day


President George Manneh Weah has, by Proclamation, declared Thursday, June 23, 2022, as National Public Service Day and is to be observed throughout the Republic as a working holiday.

   The Proclamation calls on government ministries and agencies and bureaus concerned to join the Civil Service Agency in executing appropriate programs befitting the occasion.

   A Foreign Ministry release says the day serves as a platform for the public service to showcase best practices and innovation, recognize and reward exceptional initiatives in the public sector as well as to promote professionalism and integrity in service delivery.

   According to the Proclamation, Liberia will join Member States of the African Union for the celebration of the African Public Service Day under the Global theme, “Building Back Better from COVID-19: Enhancing Innovative Partnerships to Meet the Sustainable Goals” and the African Continental theme, “The Role of Public Administration in Building and Sustaining Peaceful Co-existence amongst Communities”.

   The release stated that an indoor program commemorating the day will be held at the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Ministerial Complex, Congo Town, Montserrado County, commencing from 10:00 ante meridian, with George K. Werner, former Director General of the Civil Service Agency and subsequently, Minister of Education, Republic of Liberia, providing a special message.    The African Union adopted a resolution declaring June 23 of each year as African Public Service Day, to be celebrated by Member States in recognition of the value and virtue of service, the release declared. 

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