Pres. Weah Pays Unannounced Visits to Public Schools

Pres. Weah and entourage

The President of the Republic, H.E. Dr. George Manneh Weah, toured several public schools in Montserrado County—an unannounced move that surprised school administrators and students as he and his entourage arrived.

   On the morning of Wednesday, January 13, 2021, just a few weeks into the 2020/2021 academic year, the convoy of the Liberian Leader cruised its way on five campuses, at which time the President briefly chatted with faculties and students over challenges facing them.

   The five schools visited were William V.S. Tubman High, Monrovia Demonstration, Newport High, Boatswain and the D. Twe High.

   What was most visible at some of the schools the President visited was inadequate sitting capacity for students. Apparently touched by the situation, the Chief Executive ordered Finance Minister Samuel Tweah, who was part of the presidential entourage, to ensure that sufficient armchairs were supplied to needy schools. He emphasized that local vendors, rather than foreign importers, should be prioritized in procuring 100,000 armchairs.

   President Weah assured students and administrators of the schools visited that he would ensure that government creates a conductive atmosphere for learning, including equipping school libraries and laboratories.

   The President was accompanied on the tour by the Finance and Development Planning Minister Samuel Tweah, Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Nathaniel Farlo McGill, Education Minister, Ansu Sonii, Executive Director of Liberia Agency for Community Empowerment (LACE), and the newly elected Representative of Montserrado County District #9, Saah Foko.

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