Pres. Weah’s Remarks At the August 24, 2022 Flag Day Observance


Remarks By His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President Of The Republic Of Liberia, In Observance Of The 175th National Flag Day Of The Republic Of Liberia
August 24, 2022

Her Excellency Madam Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice President of the Republic of Liberia;
The Speaker, President Pro-Tempore, and Members of the 54th Legislature;
The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of Liberia;
The Dean and Members of the Cabinet;
Other Officials of Government, here present;
The Doyen and Members of the Diplomatic Corps;
Representatives of Local and International Organizations;
Members of the Fourth Estate;
Students and Teachers;
Fellow Liberians;
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen:

Precisely One Hundred and Seventy-Five years ago today, our founding fathers courageously hoisted the Liberian Flag on August 24, 1847, signifying to the whole world that we are a free and sovereign nation.

Today, we come together as a people celebrating another year of our National Flag under the Theme: “The Lone Star: A Symbol of Unity and National Development.”


The Lone Star is the visible evidence of our country’s sovereignty and a symbol of pride and dignity within the comity of nations. Our veritable stamp on the map of the world unifies every Liberian, both at home and in the diaspora, presenting us as One People – regardless of our regions, religious beliefs, political affiliation, or ethnicity.

As a People, we have endured nearly a decade and a half of civil conflict, which not only took away the lives of over 250,000 Liberians, but also tore the fabric of our society apart and subverted significant tenets of our culture.

And now today, we are battling the end of the Corona Virus Disease, a global pandemic that has drastically interrupted every facet of our national growth and development.

In spite of these tragedies, we have much to celebrate today.  Let us celebrate all that God has graciously given to us, and all that we have done ourselves to be where we are as a Nation.  Let us celebrate the peace that we now enjoy.  Let us celebrate the development that is now starting to reach far and wide across the country. 

Fellow Liberians, we can be proud of ourselves as a country. Despite all the turbulence and disruption we have endured in our quest for a better standard of life, we can still stand firm as a nation and say we are ready to claim the future and see Liberia rise again. I say, love your flag and country, for this is the way to national peace and unity.


My government continues to pay 12th graders WASSCE fees and support tutorial classes and the free tuition policy at all public universities. These measures are meant to ease the financial burden on parents and motivate our children. 

As we celebrate the 175th National Flag Day, I call on all students to take their education seriously, for it is the key to your future.  President John F. Kennedy of the United States once said, and I quote:

“Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, when fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation. One person can make a difference, and everyone should try”.

Students, we cannot sit and watch you fail the WASSCE and fall behind your regional counterparts. You have to take the responsibility, you and your parents, to take advantage of the opportunity that your Government is offering you.

We know that we face challenges in our determination to provide quality education, better facilities, more qualified teachers, and better instructional materials to improve the education eco-system in Liberia.  But, working together, we can achieve it.  The value of education in your life is something nobody can take from you. If you want to be whatever you want to be, then place emphasis on getting the education that will enable you to achieve your dream.


As we all enjoy the democratic space in Liberia under the rule of law, I want to admonish all citizens to respect authority. Too often, people express their dissatisfaction, disappointment, and anger in such a manner that shows indiscipline and disregard for the rule of law.  A great Liberian educator and statesman, Dr. T. Ebenezer Ward, once said, and I quote:

“The greatest peril to our Liberian democracy lies in the illiteracy of our Liberian youths.”

Education is indeed a critical key to preserving our democracy. I challenge all Liberians today to use this peace we all cherish to show that we can make for ourselves a better life and give our children the chance to become the great leaders of tomorrow.

Let us put aside our differences and come together as a strong united force to develop our country and improve the lives of the Liberian people.

I am convinced that, working together as One People and One Nation under God, we shall overcome every trial and tribulation, put our people and economy on the proper trajectory to prosperity, and place our motherland on an irreversible path of progress and development.

So, on this day, let us remember that the Lone Star is our symbol of Peace and National Unity.

Let the Lone Star fly high and forever!

May God bless us all and the Republic for which it stands.

Thank you!

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