Protesters, Atty. Thomas Call On Gov’t To Probe Rico Company’s Chemical Pollution


Aggrieved residents of Car Wash community of Mount Barclay recently seized the entrance of the Rico Beverage Company, calling on the government and others to compel the company to swiftly address the air pollution it has caused them.

   “This is not political; this is a national emergency call. Our people in the Car Wash community and Beverly Hills community are dying slowly because of the combustion from chemical that is being used here. So we have come today to call on the government of the Republic of Liberia,” Atty. Michael Thomas, representative candidate of Montserrado County’s district #4 said when he visited the site.  

   Last week Monday, the residents, mainly youths, staged a peaceful protest at the entrance of the Rico Beverage Company as a result of the air pollution the company has caused them.

   “We also want to extend to the government and requisite authorities who are responsible that this kind of pollution be brought under control. We have been troubled all along and there are sick people in the community,” Elder James T. Kollie said in a patriotic tone.

   According to the residents, Rico Company is noted for manufacturing beverage drinks but has subcontracted a company, “Agriculture Best Company”, which is doing oil and other productions. The residents said, due to the pollution by the company, several residents are suffering from red eye complication and sore throat, which has forced them to stay in beds.

   “So we are here today with 100 sacks of water and 10 bags of rice. It is an initial contribution to this exercise because we are hearing that all of our residents are in bed due to the combustion,” Candidate Thomas said.

   A woman who spoke with the Hot Pepper with eye glasses on due to the pollution has called on the government to act swiftly or the residents’ living condition would worsen.

   The youth secretary general of the community said that the protest has lasted for a week, and they will not quit until their demand is met.

   “We have been here in the rain since Monday. We will continue to strive until our case is redressed. Health is wealth,” the secretary said. “The pollution over there is highly hazardous to our health, both air and water pollution. Sometime the boys who wash car here—when they wash the cars you can see their hands pealing as a result of the chemical.”   

 He added that there are other residents in the communities who are affected in the eye and throat.

   On Thursday, officers of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), who are clothed with the authority to address environment issues, visited the site and toured the company yard with selected residents, but journalists were denied entrance. According to residents, the EPA is yet to publish the result of the pollution since the tour.

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