PUFPIL Launches Peace Awareness Campaign


A local non-governmental peace organization, People Uniting for Peace in Liberia (PUFPIL), in collaboration with Better Future Foundation, over the weekend launched its peace awareness campaign in Montserrado County’s district #4.

   The peace awareness program was held at the United Pentecostal Assemble of God Church, Rehab City View community, Township of Johnsonville, under the theme, “Let’s Protect our Peace”.

   It brought together over 175 residents of the district, including women, youth and student groups, community leaders, disadvantaged youths, disabled groups, among others.

   PUFPIL was founded on December 9, 2021 with the objective of contributing meaningfully and ensuring the promotion and maintenance of respect for human rights, good governance, prevention of conflicts, gender mainstreaming, respect for the right to participate in national decision-making and respect for the adherence to the tenants of rule of law.

   The group’s mission is to develop alternative methods for preventing and finding solutions to conflict in Liberia through problem identification, mediation, outreach and community engagement, humanitarian assistance and gender responsiveness.

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