PUL Expresses Concern Over EPS Agent Strangling Journalist’s Neck; As Unknown Assailants Firebomb Another Journalist’s Vehicle


The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has contacted authorities of the Executive Protective Service (EPS) and the office of the Press Secretary to the President, bringing to their attention the case of an assault on journalist Blamo Toe by an agent of the EPS.

In reaching out to the EPS and office of the Press Secretary to the President, the PUL is demanding accountability regarding the conduct of the EPS agent, Korvah Jomah, who assaulted another journalist, Aloysius Jallah, of the Jallah Media Group (JMG), an online news platform. The PUL said actions of state security personnel towards journalists must uphold the principles of respect and support for the press, particularly in the conduct of their duties.

Journalist Toe, of the online publication, The Liberian Investigator, was assaulted by EPS agent, Korvah Jomah, on December 17, 2024, while covering a protest on Capitol Hill related to the on-going leadership crisis in the House of Representatives.

In a written account, supported by photo and video evidence, journalist Toe explained that he was physically attacked by agent Korvah Jomah, who aggressively strangled his neck, having forcefully disrupted his live coverage of Tuesday’s protest on Capitol Hill by a group of Liberians.

“Not being satisfied with his ruthless acts, he physically attacked me and choked my neck,” said journalist Toe. “My finger sustained minor injury, but thankfully I protected my gadgets so they did not get totally damaged, except for some minor crash of my phone,” he added.

In a separate incident occurring on the evening of December 18, 2024, journalist Austin Kawah’s vehicle was firebombed while he was on air hosting his program, Freedom Hard Talk. Unknown assailants used a motorcycle to throw a petrol bomb at his parked vehicle outside the radio station. The motive behind this attack remains unclear, but it raises serious concerns about the potential for targeted violence against journalists in Liberia, particularly those who are known for their critical perspectives on governance.

While the specific motives behind the different assaults against journalists are still to be determined, the PUL said they view these incidents as grave violations of press freedom and an abuse of power by those entrusted with ensuring public safety. “The union stands firmly in its commitment to defending the rights of journalists to perform their essential role in informing the public and holding political and busine power to account, without fear of reprisal or intimidation,” the PUL said.

“The Press Union of Liberia implores all journalists operating in Liberia to remain vigilant and to conduct their work with professionalism and adherence to ethical standards. It is vital to distinguish between factual reporting and personal opinion, ensuring transparency and integrity in all journalistic endeavors.

“The PUL remains dedicated to advocating for the safety and protection of journalists in Liberia, and will continue to monitor these incidents closely, engaging with relevant authorities to ensure justice and promote a secure environment for all media practitioners in Liberia.”

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