Rep. Domah Alarms Over MOE Retirement Process

Rep. Roger Domah

As the Civil Service Agency (CSA) keeps retiring government workers without any benefit, Nimba County’s district #7 Representative, Roger S.W.Y. Domah,  has requested the indulgence of the plenary of the House of Representatives to invite authorities of the Ministry of Education to state reason why the ministry  allegedly retired hundreds of educators, including teachers and administrators, without paying their benefits and without replacing them in their roles across the country; Mercy M. Kpaingbay writes.

   “On October 8, 2020, I drew the attention of this body to some actions taken by the Ministry of Education, which has the propensity of undermining the smooth operation of schools across the country. The ministry embarked on the retirement of hundreds of actors in that sector, including teachers who have offered their services to this country for so many years,” Representative Domah informed his colleagues in session.

   According to him, the retired individuals complained that the process was done without prior notice to them. The lawmaker however described the action on the part of the ministry as disrupting the smooth operation of school system and caused chaos.

   During his deliberation in plenary on March 4, 2021, the Nimba County district #7 Representative explained that the retired public servants claimed to have no idea of when and how their retirement benefits will be paid.

   “Worst of it is that they do not know what constitutes this retirement package. People who have dedicated their lives and services to the education of our citizens and working are helpless and vulnerable. Affected persons claimed that for months they have not received either their just government salaries of their retirement package if any,” Representative Domah asserted.

   Furthermore, the Nimba lawmaker said currently the educational system is challenged and a gap is being created by the retirement. In the absence of filling the gap schools have opened for the academic calendar 2020—2021, and there is an acute shortages of teaches across the country.

   He stated that the action by the Ministry of Education retiring teachers without further notice has caused students to be denied the right of acquiring education they paid for as charged by the Ministry of Education.

   “On the other hand, it is imperative to the attention of this body that the Ministry of Education has a system of registration which requires school administrators to immediately transfer registration fees to the minister. This transfer of fees leaves the school with no operational funds for the procurement of basic instructional and other materials. This means that the school fully relies on the Ministry of Education for the supply of stationary and furniture to enhance the smooth running of our education system,” Representative Domah explained.

   Representative Domah added that, since the opening of schools, the Ministry of Education is yet to supply stationary and furniture to the various schools, and the schools do not even have chalk and other instructional materials.

   A motion was made by Bong County’s distinct #4 Representative, Josiah Marvin Cole, that the communication be turned over to the Committee on Education to report to plenary in one week’s time.

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