Rep. Kogar Wants ArcelorMittal Agreement Reviewed

Nimba County’s district #5 Representative, Samuel G. Kogar, is calling on his colleagues at the National Legislature to review the Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) between the Government of Liberia (GOL) and ArcelorMittal.
“I present my compliments and write officially to crave the indulgence of the plenary to review the Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) of ArcelorMittal and Liberia as validated by Article XXXVI (Periodic Review-Section 1: Modification and Review “the parties hereto agree that the agreement shall be subject to periodic once every five years after the commercial operation startup date for the purpose of good faith discussions to effect such modifications to the agreement as may be necessary or desirable in the light of any substantial changes in circumstances which may have occurred during the previous five years,” Representative Kogar’s communication read.
“Honorable Speaker, Deputy Speaker and colleagues, inherently this review allows a deeper and mutual appreciation for the Mineral Development Agreement (MDA) in the context of the economic, infrastructural and other broad spectrum of realities in the hope to equally protect the interest of both parties.”
The House’s Committee on Commerce Chairman appealed to his colleagues to consider his communication and promptly act. According to the Nimba lawmaker, the process is necessary due to the current day reality as it relates to the economic hardship. He averred that the review was to be done last year but the Executive is yet to inform the National Legislature.
Following the reading of the communication, several lawmakers, including Gonpu Kargon, Rogers Domah, Joseph Somwarbi, Prince Tokpah, Dixon Sebo and Francis Depoe agreed that ArcelorMittal agreement needs to be reviewed. They pointed out that the review was to be done last year, but up to present the Executive has not written the National Legislature requesting for the review.
After the debate, a motion was made to mandate the Chief Clerk to write the Executive informing them about the review process.