Rep. Koon Wants An Act Granting Amnesty To War & Economic Criminals Repealed


Montserrado County’s district #11 Representative, Richard N. Koon, has introduced an “Act Seeking to Repeal the Law Granting Amnesty to all War and Economic Criminals”. The first reading of the act was done on Thursday, February 3, 2022 during regular session on Capitol Hill.

   “Dear Speaker Chamber, Deputy Speaker and my esteemed colleagues, there is a spirit and an intent to every law; however, the spirit and intent to the above referenced law is to grant pardon to those that committed crimes against humanity, war crimes and all forms of mayhem. Speaker and fellow colleagues, it is sad to know that the drivers of this egotistical act were some of the perpetrators of the above-mentioned crimes,” Representative Koon’s letter attached to the act read.

   The Montserrado County district #11 lawmaker said in his communication that during the 19 years this law has been in existence, it has succeeded in preventing those involved from facing justice, after destroying lives and properties without remorse. He called on members of the Honorable House of Representatives of the 54th legislature to repeal the act granting amnesty to all war and economic criminals. According to Koon, the spirit and intent of the act is more harmful to the Liberian society than good.

   “It can be recalled that the Uruguay House of Representatives voted 50-40 to revoke a 25-year-old amnesty law which prevented investigation and human rights prosecutions of military junta officials during their regime between 1973—1975,” Representative Koon informed his fellow legislators.

   The representative told his colleagues to do the same thing the parliament of Uruguay did by standing against impunity and, therefore, called on the 54th Legislature to stand firm in repealing the act that is preventing justice for more than 250,000 lost lives.

   After the reading of the act, a motion was made by Margibi County Representative, Ivar Jones, to forward the instrument to the Committee on Judiciary and National Security to report to plenary in two weeks. The motion was overwhelmingly voted for.

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