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Rep. Thomas Begins Opening Of Drainages In District #4

Ahead of the rainy season, which starts next month, Montserrado County’s district #4 Representative, Michael M. Thomas, has begun opening drainages of communities across the district that suffer yearly flooding as a result of the rainy season.

  “Our manifesto for the district has not changed. We said that we would work with all stakeholders in the district tochange the dynamics,” Representative Thomas told notable journalists on Friday in the district.

  According To research, there are eight communities in the district, which is often overwhelmed by flood every year during rainy season.

  However, the Gilvah Soul Clinic Community, which forms a boundary between Soul Clinic and the Du-Port Road Community, is no exception to being flooded yearly.

  The boundary is a hub of yearly flood that always prevents students from going to school, interferes withpedestrians’ freedom of movement as well as causes residents’ homes to be flooded.

  Then district Representative, Henry Fahnbulleh, partially addressed the flooding between Gilvah Soul Clinic Community and Du-Port Road, but it got worse due to former Representative Rustolyn Suacoco Dennis’ failure to ameliorate the problem.

  However, the decades-long flooding situation in the district every rainy season is finding a solution as Representative Thomas has started the ball rolling districtwide.

  On Friday, he used an excavator machine and began opening the waterway, beginning with Gilvah Soul Clinic Community and Du-Port Road’s community bridge, where he installed new covets and upgraded the road.

  He informed residents that he will open every waterway in the district, especially in the eight affected communities that are the centerpieces of yearly flooding.

  In development news, he announced that his office has purchased a motor grader machine and two dump trucks that will open all the alleys in the district, a venture that will fulfill his road connectivity campaign message to the district.

  While the motor grader will arrive from China in two months’ time, Gilvah Soul Clinic community’s leadership Representative and Co-chairman Cooper in separate remarks thanked Representative Thomas and said that the initiative will ensure pedestrians and school-going children freedom of movement, as well as the movement of motorcycles and vans.

  They said that their Representative is a humanitarian and will redeem the district across all sectors.

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