Rev. Collins Accepts Petition To Contest In Margibi

A cross-section of citizens from towns and villages in Margibi County have petitioned Pastor Alexander Collins to contest the pending midterm senatorial election in Margibi County.
The citizens said they believed that supporting Rev. Collins in his senatorial bid will bring relief and development to the county and Liberia.
The citizen named the building of the sister city relationship between Kakata, Margibi County, and Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, and Rev. Collins’ support, which caused the Booker Washington Institute (BWI) to receive Hennepin Technical College’s help to become a technical college.
Some residents also described him as a humanitarian who brought to Liberia over 20 USA fire fighters to train and transfer knowledge to Liberia fire services, and at the same time provided several ambulances to the government in 2013.
Further, students from the Lango Lippaye High School, Kakata, Mangibi County, said they appreciated Rev. Collins mainly because he donated L$500,000 to buy chairs for the school, along with quizzing bell to the student council government.
Rev. Collins is also credited with connecting Lango Lippaye High School with park Center Senior High School in Brooklyn Park, USA.
Citizenns and some Unity Party (UP) partisans, who said they believe in Rev. Collins’ manifesto, were also seen chanting anti-slogans against the former ruling Unity Party for what they termed its unfair decision denying Pastor Alexander Collins without allowing the county chapter of the party to choose whom they want in an open primary, thus causing them to petition Rev. Collins to contest as an independence candidate.
The petitioners ended the petition program, which was held on September 13, 2020 at the Kakata’s city hall and ended with a street parade in Kakata, by calling on citizens to unite and join the forward Margibi 2020 team in order to foster development across the five electoral districts of Margibi County.
Some lookers who were seen standing along the road during the street parade, with a multitude of supporters, were upset with the Unity Party for what they called the unjust decision denying Rev. Collin from taking part in the UP’s primary.
Margibi County is the fourth largest vote-rich county, with the total of 154,108 registered voters and a population of 209,923.
Following the petition ceremony, Pastor Alexander Collins accepted the citizens’ petition and promised Magibians that he will deliver the county if given the opportunity to serve at the Liberian Senate.
Pastor Collins used the occasion to call on citizens not to only support him on the surface but demonstrate real action with an overwhelming vote that will cause him to win the senatorial seat of the county.
He said that if he is elected senator he will continue to connect Margibi to the outside world, which will bring development to the county. He named Isanti Minnesota and Unification City, Liberia and Waterloo, lowa and Unification City sister city relationship as some of his many contributions to Margibi.
As a humanitarian, he has donated L$150,000.00 to 10 community radio stations in Margibi, L$147,000.00 to 10 high schools to assist teachers with transportation as they prepare students for WASSESC, and L$75,000.00 to religious leaders. He promised to do more.
Pastor Alexander Collins, who holds a master’s degree in divinity from Acts College, Minnesota, USA, was born on April 20, 1973 in Division 25, Firestone, Margibi County, unto the union of Noses G. Kollie and Mary N. Bango, both of the Kpelle tribe.