RHRAP Launches Revolving Drug Fund (RDF) Advocacy Project In Gbarnga


The Rural Human Rights Activists Program (RHRAP), with grant from the Civil Society Agency (CSA), a USAID-funded project, is implementing the Civil Society Advocacy and Monitoring of Revolving Drug Funds (RDFs) Project, geared towards improving the quality of healthcare services, particularly policies, practices and models involving all stakeholders. 

   On July 18, 2023, RHRAP organized an inception meeting at the Gbarnga City YMCA Building, which brought together 25 participants, including community representatives, the Bong County health facility board members, the Health Facility Development Committee (HFDCs) members, the County Health Officer, District Health Officer, Clinic Officer-in-Charge (OIC), hospital staff, amongst others. The Inception meeting was followed by the launching of the project on July 19, 2023 at the CB Dumbar Hospital, Gbarnga, Bong County, which was hugely attended by several stakeholders, as well as patients, majority of whom are teenage baby mothers and pregnant girls. 

   The intent of the meeting and launching is to promote collaborative problem mechanism (CPSM) among stakeholders in establishing an effective RDF scheme in Liberia, leaving no one behind.

   The Revolving Drug Fund (RDF) was introduced in Liberia in 1986 during the administration of President Samuel K. Doe to ensure the availability of drugs to enhance the quality of health services. However, the system collapsed due to the civil crisis. With the understanding that RDF Scheme is an African model that best work in providing adequate healthcare system, the project has been developed by RHRAP and funded by CSA, through USAID, to work with health practitioners, the National Legislature and citizens across various sectors to improve the healthcare system.

   The RDF scheme is a system whereby the revenue generated from the sales of drugs to patients is used to purchase new drugs and ensure an available, effective and efficient system. The overall education and advocacy goal of the project is to advocate for Revolving Drug Fund (RDF) scheme policies that will guide the implementation of the RDF scheme, including operation, administrative and financial management systems, government fundings, patients’ fees and exemptions, among others, that will serve as a vehicle for enhancing the implementation of the RDF Scheme in Liberia. The initiative seeks to improve the RDF’s management and effectiveness, which will promote citizens’ access to quality pharmaceutical drugs. The objectives of the program are to identify operational health facilities utilizing the RDF initiative in both Bong and Lofa counties; determine the RDF stock status, its availability and operational procedures at these health facilities and the consequences in the administration, management and financing of the RDF; determine whether the RDF is readily available and affordable to patients, and if it has rational use at public health facilities in Bong and Lofa counties; and to advocate and monitor RDF activities at the health facilities in Bong and Lofa counties.

    On the overall, the program seeks to strengthen stakeholders at various levels to work together to improve the quality of healthcare services, particularly policies, practices and models.

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