SOS Call For 29-Year-Old Woman


The family of a twenty-nine (29) years old Liberian woman, Yama Kollie, has called on the government, humanitarian groups and individuals of goodwill in the country to assist their 29-year-old daughter with funding. Kollie is suffering from liver complication and other health issues.

   Kollie is a 2018 graduate of the Monrovia Vocational Training Center (MVTC), where she studied heavy duty mechanics, and is also a graduate of the Booker Washington Institution (BWI) who was later assigned at the LPRC for work. Upon her LPRC assignment, she fell sick in 2019. She was diagnosed with complication of the liver and other health issues.

   Speaking with the family members of the ill Kollie, her mother and father explained that since the completion of their daughter’s studies at MVTC and BWI she got sick, and they have spent all they have as parents who are not employed but surviving on their small home market.

   According to the Kollie family, their daughter is their only hope for life. George Kollie, father of Yama Kollie, noted that his daughter is determined to become one of Liberia’s best heavy-duty mechanics. 

   He said, “All we have has been spent to help our daughter survive, now there is nothing left. I’m calling on the Government of Liberia (GOL) and humanitarian groups to please help save my only serious daughter’s life.”

   The father of the sick lady stated that they have been advised by medical doctors in Liberia to take their daughter outside of the country for medical treatment. The Kollie family can be contacted at 0886303093 and 0777379355.

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