Starlone Cell MTN Trains 100 Persons In Digital Entrepreneurship


The Starlone Cell MTN, in Partnership with the National Old Folks of Liberia, has trained 100 persons in digital entrepreneurship in a 21-day Yello Care Program.

   The 21-day Yello Care Program is intended to empower local entrepreneurs and drive economic growth in Liberia.

   Speaking Wednesday at the official closing program held in Monrovia, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Lonestar Cell MTN, Ali Fakih, expressed gratitude “for the opportunity to address you on this remarkable occasion”.

   “We have gathered here to celebrate and reflect upon the incredible journey we have embarked upon—the ‘Lonestar Cell MTN 21 Days of Yello Care’, held under the theme, ‘Empowering Local Entrepreneurs and Driving Economic Growth’. First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you,” Ali Fakih stated.

   Fakih noted that the people are willing to learn digitalization skills, adding that “without your unwavering dedication, passion and commitment this endeavor would not have been possible”.

   “Together, we have proven that when we unite under a common purpose we can make a profound difference in the lives of those around us,” he disclosed.

   He underscored that the “21 Days of Yello Care” “embodies the essence of our corporate social responsibility—an unwavering commitment to serve and uplift the communities we operate”.

   “This annual campaign represents an embodiment of the values that define Lonestar Cell MTN, a company that believes in making a positive impact beyond our business operations,” Fakih added.

    “During these remarkable 21 days, we have witnessed the power of collective action, as employees from all levels of our organization, across departments and functions, have come together to share knowledge on digital entrepreneurship, business development planning, financial literacy, social media, content development and cybersecurity. Over 5 two-day sessions, we have rolled up our sleeves, embraced the challenges, and embarked on a journey of transformative change,” He maintained.

   He pointed out that “though this year we focused on digital entrepreneurship, our projects have spanned a wide range of areas, from healthcare to environmental sustainability”.

   “We have installed bathrooms in schools, renovated school infrastructure, provided scholarships to deserving students, donated vaccines, and empowered entrepreneurs with the tools they need to thrive,” he explained.

   He said the company has reached out to remote villages, extending the benefits of mobile connectivity to those who were previously disconnected.

   Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the National Old Folks of Liberia (NOFOL), Momo A. Bainda, said empowering of the older people with digitalization skills will go a long way in strengthening online marketing in Liberia.

   Director Bainda stated that if the older people are trained in computer and other social media platforms it will enhance the production online marketing platform.

He emphasized the need for international partners, embassies and cooperations to also assist in training the older people and Liberians in general digitalization entrepreneurship.

    He appealed to the management of Starlone Cell MTN to help NOFOL to extend the digitalization entrepreneurship training in the fifteen counties.

   Earlier, the Chairperson of the Liberia Communication Authority (LTA), Edwina Zackpah, said entrepreneurship through digitalization will drive the economic growth in Liberia.

   Chairperson Zackpan stated that entrepreneurs are critical for economic growth for any nation, as they are risk takers in their endeavors.

   She said the government is creating the enabling environment to advance digitalization at the higher levels in Liberia.

   She asserted that Liberian entrepreneurs, through the digitalization platform, will be able to generate thousands of United States dollars for their businesses.

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