“Teach Sex Education In Schools”–GVL ED Underscores


The Executive Director of the Girls Voice Liberia (GVL) said he wants the teaching of sex education in Liberian schools to prevent teenage pregnancy in Liberia.

   Director Abdu Kamara stated that the lack of adequate information about sex among teenagers have misled many of them to engage into unprotected sex, which eventually gets them pregnant.

   Director Kamara made the statement over the weekend when the Girls Voice Liberia, in collaboration with  Dreams Builder Initiative, celebrated the World Menstrual Hygiene Day, held under the theme, “Ending Period Stigma”, with students across district #16, Montserrado County, held in New Kru Town, Bushrod Island.

   According to him, the teaching of sex education from the junior high level will go a long way to creating the necessary awareness about the changes the female and male bodies go through at the various stages of growth and development.

   He asserted that menstrual cycle is critical in female growth and development, physically and psychologically, which sometimes undermines girls potential in society.

   Director Kamara emphasized that parents and guardians should educate girls on matters relating  to sex rather than hiding such information from them, especially at their teen stages when physiological development is taking place within their bodies.

   He indicated that his organization also engages into advocacy for girls against sexual harassment and abuse from their male counterparts.

   The advocate pointed out that his organization also engages into capacity building, particularly relating to the mental health of girls on issues concerning their growth and potential in society, noting that women and girls have been marginalized over the years.

   Director Kamara emphasized that many of the programs undertaken have been supported on a self-initiative basis, and hoped that people will partner with the organization to strengthen the advocacy of girls in other parts of the country.

   The World Menstrual Hygiene Day is May 28, which fell on Sunday this year, but some local organizations like Girls Voice Liberia celebrated the day on Friday, which was May 26.

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