“The Future Is Bright”; Pres. Weah Tells First-Time Voters, District #14’s Constituents, Others


As President George M. Weah began campaign on August 8 in Montserrado County’s districts #7 and #8, and continues to do so in other districts, he keeps giving Liberians the hope of a better future in his second-term administration.

   On Wednesday, the President continued his campaign engagement in districts #14 and #16, Montserrado County. His presence in the two districts was humanly magnetic. After he toured district #16 with his entourage and partisans, he thanked them and charged them to vote on October 10, 2023, then triumphantly entered Clara Town.

   Addressing the crowd, who celebrated the President with orgiastic joy, he thanked Clara Town constituents for voting for him in 2017.

   “You put the Excellency on me,” the President said. “What you did in 2017, you can do it again.”

   As all Liberians are eager to see a an administration that will impact their lives, President Weah has assured them that there will be a bright future for all Liberians in his second term, especially the first-time voters whose quest are to obtain quality education.

   As usual, he told the constituents to act wise, noting that rhetoric is the theme of opposition campaign messages, as they say he does not know anything and should therefore be voted out.

   “They said l don’t know anything, but l am doing something,” he berated the opposition.

   President Weah stated that there is no excuse for anyone who has been in government for years not to carry out development. “Neighbor spent 12 years as Vice President complaining that he had no authority,” he said. “l spent four years as a senator of Montserrado County and carried out several projects.”

   He explained that he constructed pit latrines, markets, and so on, when he was the county’s Legislative Caucus Chairman.

   However, the Hot Pepper could not independently verify President Weah’s statement.

   Meanwhile, President Weah has urged all Liberians to maintain the peace, noting that he sees a new Liberia with a booming economy.

   As a sign of approval of the President’s re-election victory, the jubilant crowd chanted, “12 year”, “12 year”.

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