“The Trumpet Call To Duty”

Dr. Daniel E. Cassell, Keynote Speaker at PUL’s 56th Anniversary

Dr. Daniel E. Cassell recently rejuvenated the essence of journalists staying impartial and independent by reminding the watchdogs of society to see the 56th anniversary of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) as the sound of the “trumpet call to duty”. He made the statement on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 when he served as keynote speaker of the PUL 56th anniversary, under the theme, “Impartial Journalism Contributes to Flourishing Democracy: Why Stay Independent”.

   Dr. Cassell, who reminisced the journey of the Press Union of Liberia, said, “Let not the sacrifices and lives that were loss by those who came before you go to waste; be the change they laid down their lives for.”

    He cautioned journalists not to join the uninformed and uneducated sympathizers in marketing and promoting warlords and economic criminals. He bemoaned that, despite the atrocities committed against the citizenry and looting of the country’s finances, war and economic criminals continue to be rewarded with some of the highest offices in the land.

   “Do not join hands in promoting political actors/actresses who, despite their lack of qualification and competence, have been rewarded with executive, legislative and other top level governmental positions.

 “Do not allow your platform to be used by political actors/actresses who take advantage of the poverty and suffering of the citizens to only provide handouts-money and bags of rice during election time and never care about addressing the real issues that their constituents face. 

    “Instead, use your various platforms to advocate and be that voice for our voiceless, oppressed, and abused brothers-sisters-mothers.-fathers-sons and daughters who have been ostracized and called derogatory names, such as ‘zogoes’, by no fault of their own but rather a direct result of the reactionary formation of our past civil wars, broken economy, and failed governance,” Dr. Cassell urged.

   In the wake of assisting the Press Union of Liberia to remain impartial and independent, Dr. Cassell handed a check of US$10,000 (ten thousand United States dollars) to the leadership of the PUL. “On behalf of Dr. Cassell’s Foundation, its board members and staff, I would like to present a check in the amount of $10,000.00 US dollars towards the support of your sacrifices in pursuit of your mission: free speech and freedom of the press,” he noted.

Friends of Dr. Cassell displaying the check given to the Press Union

He said it is his fervent prayer that Journalists would fathom the courage to be that change that they want to see in society, because that change begins with each and everyone.

   Dr. Cassell is a humanitarian and philanthropist who has won the admiration of many quarters of the Liberian society. Since his coming back to Liberia, Dr. Cassell has been rendering humanitarian assistance to the less fortunate and the most needy. He is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Dr. Cassell’s Foundation.   

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