Three Administrative Districts Join Sen. Dennis’ Re-Election Campaign In Grand Gedeh


Residents of the three administrative districts of Grand Gedeh County have resolved to re-elect the incumbent senator of the county, Marshall Dennis.

   Senator Dennis is among several lawmakers that have expressed the desire to seek re-election to the Liberian Senate following the expiration of their tenure later this year.

   Citizens of Gbarzon, Tchien and Konobo districts said they are convinced that the re-election of the incumbent will make positive impact on the growth and development of the county and pave the way for prosperity.

   In separate statement of support, residents of the three administrative districts recalled the numerous contributions made by the senator to the county’s reconstruction process, and underscored the need to give him an additional nine years to help him carry out more development for the people of Grand Gedeh County.

   The county’s most powerful traditional leader and Dean Elder assured the senator and his entourage, upon arrival in Konobu district during his just-ended tour of the county, that Grand Gedeh is for people who obey the tradition of the land.

   The Dean Elder disclosed that Senator Marshall Dennis has proved over the years to be a leader that is prepared to uphold the beliefs and culture of the indigenous people of the county, and as such deserves every right to be celebrated by the people.

   He maintained that waving the opportunity of electing a true son of the soil in favor of aspirants that have no respect for the elders and tradition of the land will throw Grand Gedeh into another period of disunity and alarming poverty.

   A similar statement endorsing the re-election bid of Senator Marshall Dennis was issued by prominent opinion leaders of the county, including the clergy, members of Muslim Council, Grand Gedeh County branch, women and youth organizations across the county, and other well-wishers, as he arrived in each of the districts in Grand Gedeh County.

   Senator Marshall Dennis, who was touring the county to observe the biometric voter registration exercise, as part of his oversight responsibilities, said upon arrival in each of the districts that his aim is to set a roadmap for future generations of Grand Gedeans to follow.

   The Senator welcomed his endorsement by the residents, describing it as a positive decision, and expressed the readiness to seek their interest in the Liberian Senate.

   He urged his supporters to remain calm and avoid all acts of violence and temptation from the opposition, whom he accused of plotting to disrupt peaceful elections.

   Senator Marshall Dennis and entourage have since returned to Monrovia to continue the remaining sitting of the Legislature.

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