To Minimize Electricity Purchasing Challenge: LEC Sets Up Temporary Vending Points


The purchase of electricity token over the Libango vending platform, which is the Liberia Electricity Corporation’s recognized partner, has faced significant technical challenges over the past four days, hindering customers from buying electricity tokens from the platform or through other digital media such as MTN Mobile Money, Orange Money, TipMe, and Ecobank Mobile App.

   However, to minimize the impact of these vending challenges on electricity consumers, LEC has set up temporary vending points at its Waterside headquarters, Bushrod Island offices, and the Anti-Power Theft campaign site at Du-Port Road.

   “This stop-gap measure was implemented on Sunday, August 27, 2023 and will be expanded to meet the public’s needs until Libango’s challenges have been fully resolved and regular vending resumes,” a LEC release disclosed.

   “LEC has also commenced arrangements to expand its temporary vending locations to reduce the time customers travel to these locations or wait in line to be served. In parallel to the above, we are exploring other options, such as mobile money operations and banking platforms. 

   “We shall inform the public through the news media and our website and social media platforms about these additional locations and vending options as soon as arrangements have been concluded,” the release added. 

   “However, we assure the public that LEC is also working very hard with Libango to restore normal vending operations. We apologize sincerely to our cherished customers for the inconvenience caused by these technical challenges,” the release continued.

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