UBCAA Puts Out First Graduates From Its Computer Literacy Program


The United Bong County Association in the Americas (UBCAA) over the ended graduated sixty (60) students who completed the necessary requirements for obtaining a UBCAA computer literacy document.

   Philip Singbah, UBCAA Country Representative, coordinates all UBCAA projects in Liberia.

   UBCAA also operates a Community Resource Center in Bong County and a farming program. The computer literacy program is part of its community resource center programs provided to the public.

   The first graduation of UBCAA computer literacy program was well attended by Bong County’s local government officials and some prominent citizens, including individuals from a number of organizations operating in central Liberia.

   Dr. Alfredson Taikerweyah, who served as the occasion’s keynote speaker, spoke on the theme, “No Matter how Long it Takes, We will get There”.

   The guest speaker thanked the organizers of the program for prioritizing human capacity building as part of the organization’s agenda in addressing the need of the people.

   Dr. Taikerweyah noted that Liberia needs more solution-orientated programs in order to fill in the existing gaps of human development and other key issues confronting the people’s wellbeing.

   The just-ended computer literacy graduation program was meant to provide high-tech computer skills training for the people of Bong County.

   At the beginning of the training 84 students from various schools in Bong County enrolled for the training, and 60 of them at the end obtained the organization’s certificate.

   The graduates were taught for three months in introduction to computer systems, Microsoft, Windows, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Internet Explorer and Mavic Beacon.

   At the colorful graduation ceremony, Bong County Assistant Superintendent for Development, Solomane Swaray, thanked the UBCAA team for their numerous support toward the growth and development of Bong County.

   Swaray praised the current leadership of the UBCAA,  headed by Caimon Joe Kollie, and his team for their continued support at home.

  He said the county local authorities stands prepared to provide the necessary support in the people’s interest.

   At the same time he presented an award to the Country Representative of UBCAA for it leadership performance so far.

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