Unity Party Youth Congress Warns NEC–Threatens Unspecified Political Actions If…


The National Youth Congress of the Unity Party (UP) has warned the National Elections Commission (NEC) not to take the kindness of their party for play, or it may risk unspecified political actions if they (NEC) tampered with the UP candidate in the up-coming senatorial election of Lofa County on the basis of a “frivolous” and “disjointed” letter written by Musa Bility and the Alternative National Congress (ANC).

   In a press statement issued April 6, 2022, signed by Lansana Pawenneh Fofana, Acting National Youth Chairman, National Youth Congress, “On February 16, 2022, about two months now, the Unity Party, through its Political Leader, unequivocally announced to partisans, Liberians and the world over the withdrawal of the UP from a collaborative marriage which spanned over a period of about 2 years, known as the Collaborating Political Party (CPP). Accordingly and in keeping with the laws of the Republic of Liberia, the national leadership of our party has since officially communicated with the National Elections Commission our resolution of withdrawal signed by over 2/3 majority members of the National Executive Committee members of the UP and subsequently met all the requirements of operating as a full-fledge political party.

   According to the statement, “Not too long ago, to be precise about two weeks, the former Chairman and the former Secretary General of the Liberty Party (LP), Mr. Musa Hassan Bility and Mr. Martin Kollah, and the Alternative National Congress (ANC) wrote the National Elections Commission requesting the commission to advise on the status of the Unity Party and the All Liberian Party (ALP) as it relates to the CPP. To our utter dismay, the UP and the ALP were served a citation for hearing in a matter that shouldn’t have, in the first place, required any invitation for hearing.

   “Fellow Partisans, at the inception of this case, the Unity Party prayed the Hearing Officer to deny Mr. Bility and Martin Kolleh from taking part in the ongoing case because they lack standings within the Liberty Party, which was granted by the hearing officer. However, it baffles us to still see Mr. BIlity, who has been denied legal standing by the hearing officer to continue to mislead and misinform the public with so much confidence that the UP will not field candidate in the pending Lofa County Senatorial Election in her own name. It is no doubt that the embattled chair of the National Elections Commission, who has been embroiled into corruption scandal, is keen on returning Musa Bility’s favor for filing a bond on her behalf when she was dragged to court. This elections commission, which is prone to bribery, is doing everything to its disposal to plunge this country into its ugly past. More than that, commissioners are continuously showing that they do not have the capacity to conduct free, fair and transparent elections in 2023.

   “We would like to make it clear, and re-assure our partisans, that the UP candidate will be on the ballot.

   The statement continued, “The Evergreen National Youth Congress of the Unity Party wants to let the Geroge Weah and Musa Bility-controlled National Election Commission know that, as Youth, once we notice that the existence of our party is being questioned, prudence dictates that we take radical and unspecified political actions to defend and protect our party, as we are the first line of defense of our party. It is our understanding that because of Mr. Weah’s fear of the Unity Party and its Standard Bearer, H.E. Ambassador Joseph Nyuma Boakai, Sr. who is poised to bringing his regime to an end come 2023 because of the failure of his government and dashing the hopes and aspirations of the people in the gutter, he is doing all he can to exterminate the UP before the October 2023 poll which, in our minds and preparedness, will politically lead a cataclysmic effect on our fragile and emerging democracy. 

   “Distinguished members of the press, we are reliably informed that the only reason Madam Davidetta Lansana hasn’t been prosecuted for the corruption charges against her but continues to serve as Chairman of NEC is because Mr. Weah wants to use her to secure his reelection, in exchange for her not facing justice for her illicit deeds.

   “Madam Lansana and team, as our political leader has expressed so much confidence in your ability to impartially handle this matter, we are optimistic that you will do just that and will not arm-twist the law in exchange of avoiding prosecution.

   “Since the establishment of the Unity Party in 1984, the youth of the UP has never been associated with or been progenitors of any act of violence, fear or political instability. We want this ‘benevolent dictator’ and ‘tyrant’ of a president to know that the Unity Party is the major opposition to his failed and outgoing regime; therefore, we will repel any plan that is intended to disallow the Unity Party from contesting in the pending Lofa County Senatorial Election, least we talk about 2023 general and presidential elections.

   “Fellow youth, I think for too long we have been in a little bit state of political stasis; so, it is now time to stand up. Not basically to obstruct justice, peace and the rule of law but to obstruct any illegal attempt that seeks to exterminate and deny the UP from actively participating in all political processes of our country.  As youth, we must be reminded that we are the first line of defense of the Unity Party. We must be willing and ready at all times to defend our party, even when the political environment seems hostile, like it is right now under Mr. Weah.

   “Finally, the Evergreen National Youth Congress of the Unity party further assures all its members and partisans of the Unity Party in and out of Liberia that the UP will field a candidate in Lofa County. On the contrary, we can’t guarantee the NEC our specific reaction for blatantly and illegally denying our party and candidates now and in 2023.

   “Those who have ears let them heard; and a hint to a wise is sufficient.”

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