US Charge D’Affaires Impressed With AFL’s Apolitical Approach


The Charge d’Affaires of the United States Embassy near Monrovia, Catherine Rodriguez, has expressed her satisfaction over the apolitical approach being exhibited by the Ministry of National Defense and the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL).

   “I am very impressed on hearing that the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) is an apolitical institution,” Rodriguez intimated during a working visit to the Defense Minister and other top defense officials at the Ministry of National Defense on Monday, 28 August 2018.

   Rodriguez further stated, “AFL is very fortunate to have a fantastic arrangement with the Michigan National Guard, and looks forward to continuing said relationship.”

   She further hinted that an election that is recognized by the international community is in Liberia’s best interest.

   Also speaking, Minister Ziankahn welcomed Rodriguez to the ministry, and elaborated on the great partnership the Liberian government has with the US government, ranging from assisting Liberia’s defense sector with operational and tactical trainings and logistical support as well as intelligence sharing geared towards regional security stability.

   Ziankahn assured the United States government that the AFL will continue to be apolitical at all times.

   He informed Rodriguez that the AFL is working with other security apparatuses of Liberia’s joint security to ensure that Liberia has an apolitical joint security sector.

   The Chief of Staff of the AFL, Maj. Gen. Prince C. Johnson, III., on behalf of the men and women in arms, thanked Rodriguez for the visit, and informed her that the AFL looks forward to continuing the existing relationship between Liberia and the United States of America. 

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