US Gov’t Disappointed In National Legislature


The United States Government, through its embassy near Monrovia, has expressed disappointment in the National Legislature for failure to amend certain portions of the 2005 Act that deals with the crime of human trafficking.

   Michael McCarthy, Ambassador of the United States to Liberia, speaking on Monday, August 2, 2021 at the Judiciary, said the United States submitted a report to the National Legislature requesting specific amendments to the 2005 law, but for several years now the lawmakers have chosen not to act upon it.

   Ambassador McCarthy said because of the National Legislature’s refusal to amend the 2005 Trafficking in Person Act, the country could unfortunately lose an incredible amount of money from the United States Government.

   “We are disappointed with the lack of action on the part of the Legislature. We have been highlighting the need for specific amendments to the 2005 law for several years now. The suggested changes are relatively stated in the report. I hope the Legislature understands that their inaction sent a bad message that trafficking in person is an absolute no importance to them,” stated Ambassador McCarthy.

   Ambassador McCarthy said he hopes the lawmaking house will understand that its message has been received that trafficking in person is not important to the people of Liberia.

   He noted that when the Legislative branch chooses a different message the United States will be open and ready to work with them, just as it has been working with the Judiciary and Justice Ministry.

   The US ambassador’s statement was contained in his speech during the official presentation of trafficking in person bench books to the Judiciary.

   He averred that the human trafficking books are intended to be used as a knowledge tool to enhance effective adjudication of trafficking in person cases by Liberian judges.

   Supreme Court Chief Justice, Francis S. Korkpor, receiving the trafficking in person bench books on behalf of the Judiciary, thanked the American government for the splendid work on human trafficking in Liberia.

   Chief Justice Korkpor said the issue of human trafficking is a menace to the Liberian society, as it involves the most vulnerable group in the society.

  Chief Justice Korkpor said the United States Department Report shows that a large number of people from the rural parts are trafficked to the urban areas, and once they are in the urban settlement there is no control as they can be trafficked in neighboring countries and parts of the world.

  According to him, the issue of trafficking in person is relatively new to Liberia in terms of dealing with the crime and the law applicable to it.

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