Welcoming The Administration’s Effort To Combat Multidimensional Poverty, Improve Livelihood, And Foster Equitable Progress


THE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2024 large, diverse gathering of government officials, development partners, private sector representatives, and civil society leaders was the scene of President Joseph N. Boakai outlining his administration’s bold vision to tackle Liberia’s most pressing challenges through inclusive, transformative strategies.

PRESIDENT BOAKAI PRESENTED to the nation and its international partners the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development (AAID) as the New Liberia National Development Plan. The President emphasized the importance of the AAID and the accompanying County Development Agendas (CDAs) as instruments to combat multidimensional poverty, improve livelihoods, and foster equitable progress across the nation.

“THIS IS A defining moment for Liberia,” said President Boakai, adding, “The ARREST Agenda represents a comprehensive strategy to address food insecurity, inadequate access to essential services, governance issues, and economic stagnation. Together, we will transform our nation into one that offers hope, prosperity, and equality for all.”

THE ARREST AGENDA prioritizes six critical development drivers: agribusiness—boosting food security and creating sustainable jobs; roads and infrastructure—enhancing connectivity and economic access; rule of law and governance—strengthening institutional trust and combating corruption; education and human capital development—empowering Liberians, especially the youth, with skills and knowledge; sanitation—ensuring access to clean water and improved public health; and tourism—leveraging Liberia’s natural beauty and cultural heritage to diversify the economy.

THE PRESIDENT HIGHLIGHTED the role of collaboration in achieving the AAID’s ambitious goals, calling on all stakeholders—including the government, private sector, development partners, civil society, and Liberians in the diaspora—to actively participate in the agenda’s implementation.

PRESIDENT BOAKAI CAUTIONED that “Liberia’s development is a collective responsibility”, and that “the success of the ARREST Agenda depends on how well we work together, use our limited resources effectively, and remain accountable to our citizens”.

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