Youth Alive Liberia Holds Dialogue With Doe Community Residents; In Observance Of International Human Rights Day


A nonprofit organization, “Youth Alive Liberia”, has hosted a day-long dialogue on human rights. The dialogue commemorated the observance of International Human Day as Liberia joined the global community to observe the day under the theme, “Equality, Reducing Inequality and Advancing Human Rights”.

According to the Project Officer of Youth Alive Liberia, Lovetee Sumo, the dialogue with community residents is aimed at raising awareness on human and Constitutional rights, as well as bringing and discussing human rights issues at the community level.

Sumo further stated that the dialogue with residents of Doe Community was basically to enlighten the minds of community dwellers on their human and Constitutional rights.

The Youth Alive Liberia Awareness Project is currently in four of Liberia’s fifteen counties: Montserrado, Bong, Grand Bassa, and Margibi, under the theme, “Strengthening Resilience for Key Population Groups and Human Rights Defenders in Liberia”.

The one-day community dialogue brought together approximately 100 participants from the six sub-communities within Doe community. The project is sponsored by the European Union and implemented by Action Aid Liberia and Liberia Women Empowerment Network (LIWEN).

Participants from the dialogue thanked the Youth Alive Liberia for enlightening their minds on their fundamental, as well as their Constitutional, rights, and asked the organization to carry out similar dialogue in other parts of the country.

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