Youth & Student Group Blasts Thomas Kaydor For Acting Like “Moral Compass”


The Coalition of Youths and Students for Better Liberia (COYSBL) says it is troubled to see people who are “morally bankrupt and socially corrupt, like Mr. Thomas Kaydor, acting like a moral compass and role model in a society of decent people”.

   In a release issued Thursday, April 20, 2023, the group said, “COYSBL is very concerned about Mr. Thomas Kaydor’s presence in class rooms as a lecturer at the University of Liberia and his acceptance as an analyst of significant political and moral issues in our society on Truth FM, despite the fact that he does not possess any moral or logical qualifications to do so.

   “It is common knowledge and a fact that Thomas Kaydor was indicted in the Special Audit Report on the Japanese Rice Fund. Additionally, it is a well-documented fact that former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf shamefully fired him from his position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Both of these things are known to the general public. COYSBL is firmly of the opinion that a man who was fired for stealing from the Liberian people should not be allowed to live in peace among decent people until he has publicly expressed contrition for his action.”

   According to the release, “The Coalition of Youths and Students for Better Liberia wonders why a reputable media institution like Truth FM would select a man with questionable character like Thomas Kaydor as its political analyst. We are even left disappointed in the family of the University of Liberia for allowing an individual that is morally corrupt to stand in the classroom to teach students.

   “It can be recalled that in 2014 the Government of Japan provided a grant valued at US$731,422 to build the capacity of staff at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of International Cooperation and Integration under the supervision of Mr. Thomas Kaydor, who was the Deputy Minister of International Cooperation and Integration. An audit conducted by the GAC shows that Kaydor colluded with other officials of the Ministry of Finance and withdrew the funds for their personal pockets. Kaydor was immediately dismissed as Deputy Minister for International Cooperation and Economic Integration for his glaring involvement in the gross misuse and looting of the funds intended to build the capacity of Liberians.”

   The youth and student group continued, “We have specifically followed with dismay as Mr. Thomas Kaydor continues to masquerade as a moral voice in our society. It is unimaginable that Mr. Kaydor, who spearheaded the mismanagement, abuse, and looting of funds from the Japanese rice grant at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not behind rusty bars, but has been allowed to freely speak on issues of morality and governance in Liberia.

   “COYSBL believes that Mr. Kaydor lacks any moral voice to teach and speak on governance issues. It is highly unacceptable for character-bankrupt individuals to be in key sectors of society that are meant for reputable people. We strongly believe that his presence in the classrooms at the University of Liberia is corrupting the minds of the next generation. Therefore, we are requesting that the President of the University of Liberia remove Mr. Kaydor from the classroom in order to protect the university’s reputation. Similarly, we request that the management of Truth FM cease using Mr. Thomas Kaydor as a moral voice on its airwaves when he is not one.

   “The Coalition of youths & Students for better Liberia warns Mr. Kaydor to desist from pretending to be a moral voice for good governance, and focus on exonerating himself from the massive corruption he carried out when he served as Deputy Minister for International Cooperation & Economic Integration at the Minister of Foreign Affairs. We will not relent in leading a massive protest at the Ministry of Justice to call for the prosecution of Mr. Thomas Kaydor for allegedly stealing millions of dollars of the Japanese Rice Grant to Liberia.

   “In the coming days, COYSBL will continue to single out, name and shame corrupt and wicked people in our society, like Thomas kaydor, because it is only by doing so that a better Liberia is assured.”

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