140 Fire Service Cadets On Training


The Liberia National Fire and Rescue Service (LNFRS) on Monday, March 28, 2022 began a six-week intensive training for 140 cadets for Class Twenty-Two of the Coast Guard Base, Bushrod Island.

   The trainers for the training are from the United States of America, Nigeria and Ghana, amongst others.

   The six-week training will cover various disciplines, including fire rescue.

   The Liberia National Fire and Rescue Service has developed a template for robust capacity building for officers who made it possible for frequent training of firefighters locally and internationally.

   The Liberia National Fire and Rescue Services (LNFRS) was established to safeguard life and property from the scourge of destructive fire across the length and breadth of the country, as well as to promote efficient fire prevention services, with its mission of safeguarding the lives and properties of all residents, Liberians and non-Liberians alike. LNFRS promotes efficient fire prevention services and continually improves fire-fighting methods and practices in keeping with international standards; encourages, pursues and maintains the exchange of ideas, experience and a cordial working relationship with other fire-fighting agencies locally and internationally.

   The goal of the LNFRS is the full attainment of the overall mission statement of the Liberia National Fire and Rescue Service.

   The fire department has four basic areas where  services are offered: fire prevention, which is an activity of fire safety involving the regular inspection of various types of occupancies and vehicles; providing education for precautionary and protection measures that are necessary to ensure safety from fire, referred to as fighting the fire before its occurrence; fire-fighting, which involves the physical combat of the outbreak, burning and spread of fire, which requires the combination of basic training with professional skills and the use of proper equipment and tools-fighting fire during occurrence; and ambulance services using professional and simple life-saving methods, combined with skills and life-saving equipment to save life or evacuate from cave-ins in burning buildings, vehicles and other entrapments.

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