7 Political Parties Reject LISGIS 2022 Census’ Preliminary Results


Major opposition political parties and national political leaders of Liberia have resolved, through a joint resolution, to reject the recent preliminary census results given by the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS).

   The political parties, in a press statement attached with the joint resolution, expressed total rejection to the preliminary results of the 2022 National Housing and Population Census recently released by LISGIS, and called on the National Legislature and the National Elections Commission (NEC) not to use the figures of the census to set population threshold for constituencies and to reapportion electoral boundaries. 

   The major opposition political parties said, in consideration of the ECOWAS Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance, restraining state party from effecting changes in national or electoral laws six months before a pending election and further informed by Opinion of the Honorable Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia, barring the NEC and the Legislature from making decisions with Constitutional implications, request the NEC and the Legislature to refrain from proceeding with any elections-related decision using the results of the National Housing and Population Census.

    “In view of the aforementioned, we call on the National Elections Commission to proceed with the conduct of the 2023 presidential and legislative elections, using the existing electoral boundaries,” the resolution reads.

   The political parties involved are Liberty Party of Senator Nyonblee Karnga Lawrence, Movement for Democracy and Reconstruction of Jeremiah Koung, All Liberian Party of Benoni Urey, Unity Party of Joseph N. Boakai, Reginald Goodridge of Rainbow Alliance, Tiawon Saye Gongloe of Liberia People’s Party and Jeremiah Wahpoe of the Vision for Liberia’s  Transformation.

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