Rep. Bob Sheriff Distributes One Million Free Seedlings To Cape Mount Farmers


Over one million cocoa seedlings are currently being distributed to farmers in Porkpa District, Grand Cape Mount County, by the Representative of the area, Bob Sheriff, the Hot Pepper has learned.

   The free distribution of the seedlings is in line with pledges made by the lawmaker to strengthen the capacity of Cape Mountanians in the production of the high-valued commodity.

   The seedlings are being distributed from the nursery, located at Bambala, Jeijua, Laah, Zimmi and other surrounding towns, for easy access to farmers.

   Over five hundred farmers are expected to benefit from the initiative, including farmers from nearby districts where cocoa production is also on the increase.

   Michael Samola, a Jeijua resident and beneficiary of the program who spoke to this paper, described the free seedling initiative as a motivation for the people in the rural areas to fight poverty.

   The cocoa farmer said the initiative will help farmers increase their production of the commodity, which is at high demand on the world market.

   For his part, Osman Feikai, a resident of Bambara who benefited and played an important role in the distribution of the free cocoa seedlings, said the offer came at the right time—when the world-market price of the commodity is on the increase.

   The farmer said it is important to create the opportunity for the people to grow the cash crop to help in the overall revitalization of the economy.

   He emphasized that the people’s representatives should emulate the good example if they mean well for their county and its people.

   The cocoa farmer underscored that dishing out United States dollars freely to the people will only increase dependency and make them lazy, but by giving them cocoa seedling to grow Representative Bob Sheriff is building the capacity of his people to be self-reliant.

   Other beneficiaries from the initiatives, including residents of Laah, Zimmi Vandai, Pornor Sokpo Clan, Kailahun Benduma, Bitter Hill, Mano Gleh, Sueh, Gbesseh, Gangaman Bombor and other places in the cocoa-growing areas of Cape Mount, also expressed satisfaction over the gesture.

   According to the report, the free cocoa seedling distribution is also expected to benefit farmers in Gola Konneh District, where cocoa nurseries have been constructed in Reeves Village, Korvah and other towns to enhance the process. Distribution in these places will kick off later this year.

Some Cape Mount farmers and beneficiaries of Rep. Sheriff’s seedling initiative
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