“Corrupt And Evil Character”–Classroom Teacher Describes MCSSTA President


A senior instructor of economics at the William V.S. Tubman High School, Johnny D. Hopkins, has detested and described as obnoxious, evil and corrupt the behavior of Augustine Nyumor, President of the Monrovia Consolidated School System Teachers Association (MCSSTA).

   Hopkins said that the MCSSTA President is nothing but a corrupt and evil character who is in the business of trading the teachers association for his personal aggrandizement.

   He alleged that on many occasions Nyumor has used the name of the association to solicit money, pointing out that in August last year the MCSSTA President took some students to Dr. Daniel Cassell in the name of the association, where he impersonated as a teacher of W.V.S. Tubman High School when, in fact, he is assigned at the Boatswain Junior High School.

   Hopkins alleged that it was sad and unfortunate that during the meeting with Dr. Cassell, the Political Leader of the People Liberation Party, a brown envelope was given to the group. However, it ended in Nyumor’s pocket, instead of the MCSS Teachers Association.

   Hopkins, who is the Chairman of the Economics Department of the of W.V.S. Tubman High School, alleged that in 2021 Nyumor organized a purported strike action at MCSS for only three hours without achieving its objective due to the handshake with government officials, who met him and his cronies, thus compromising and dashing the hope of the teachers as a result of his gullible nature. 

   The Economics instructor further alleged that what is even troubling and frustrating is that Nyumor, on behalf of the leadership of MCSSTA, signed a two-year group contract with the Saah Insurance Company in Monrovia without providing clarity and details to the employees of MCSS; in fact, the two years will be the end of Nyumor’s tenure, thereby leaving the employees’ fate in limbo.

   Hopkins explained that such group insurance contract has always been signed for a period of one year, except for this one involving an individual he termed a “corrupt and evil character”.

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