DPPL Holds First Convention–Elects Key Positions For 6 years


The Democratic People’s Party of Liberia (DPPL), a new political party founded in Liberia over the weekend, held its first convention in Grand Bassa County.

  According to the convention committee, the just-ended convention was meant to review the party’s constitution and elect code of officers to stir the affairs of the party for the next six years.

   Those elected are Rev. David Kiamu, Political Leader;  Atty. N. Dickson R. Tamba, National Chairman; John Pangbe, National Secretary General; Kim Varnie, National Treasurer; Joseph  Tinithy, National Vice Chair for Administration; Acarus Temo,  National Vice Chair for Inter-Party and National Election Commission (NEC) Affairs; Hezekiah Myers, National Vice Chair for Finance and Investment; Rev. Josephus Korfeh, National Vice Chair for Recruitment and Mobilization and Membership; Konto  Saygar, National Vice Chair for Social Services; Darius Woods, National Youth Chair; and Irene Blama, National Chair Lady.

   Speaking at the convention, the Political Leader of the party said the DPPL is a conservative political platform in Liberia.

   Rev. Kiamu stated that they advocate for holding to the traditional values on which Liberia was founded. He said that the DPPL believes that Liberia is a country built on Christian principles.

   Kiamu noted that the DPPL vision is to see a united country under one God serving all citizens equally. According to him, the DPPL mission is to build a new Liberia.

   Commenting on other sectors, the party’s Political Leader said his leadership will decentralize power and resources by 60% to the citizenry of Liberia, noting that only 40% will be used by central government to address issues confronting the wellbeing of Liberia.

   He said DPPL’s leadership will connect roads from district to district within Liberia.

   He spoke on a wide range of national issues confronting the forward march of Liberia, but ended as saying that the DPPL leadership will provide solution to Liberia’s problems.

   The DPPL first convention was well-attended by supporters and partisans of the DPPL, and was held at the Saypue Hill, Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.

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