NEC Launches Civil, Voter Education For Lofa By-Election


The National Elections Commission (NEC) has informed the public that the launch of the Civil and Voter Education (CVE) campaign for the conduct of the May 10, 2022, Lofa County senatorial by-election took place on Saturday, April 9, 2022.

   The launch, under the auspices of the CVE Section of the NEC, took place simultaneously at the two local magisterial offices in Voinjama and Kolahun.

   A statement from the NEC Friday said the launch will commence with a parade through the principle streets of Voinjama and Koluhun, to be followed by indoor programs.

   The NEC statement, issued on April 8, 2022, says it has invited senior local government authorities, including superintendents, and city mayors, as well as civil society organizations, religious groups, people living with disability, local and international partners and the media to participate in the Lofa county CVE by-election launch.

   In a related development, the National Elections Commission (NEC) says the climax of the burning process of ballot papers and other electoral materials used during the 2020 special senatorial elections, national referendum and two representative by-elections from its central warehouse took place on Saturday April 9, 2022.The materials were moved to its local magisterial office in Bensonville for burning.

   The burning is in line with section 4.16 of the new elections law. It states, “The Commission shall preserve all writs issued for election and all ballots cast and register of voters cast in an election until the validity of such election and its result can no longer be disputed. The ballot papers may then be destroyed.”

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