Small Arms Commission Provides Update On AU-UN Joint Support Project


The Chairman of the Liberia National Commission on Small Arms, Atty. Teklo Maxwell Gribsy, on Thursday, September 15, 2022 provided update on the implementation of a AU-UN joint support project on silencing the guns in Liberia.

   Speaking at the Ministry of Information regular press briefing, Atty. Grigsby said the Act creating the Liberia National Commission on Small Arms, which repeals the Small Arms Act, has been signed by President George M. Weah, with the amendment of the fire arms act to take effect soon.

   He said the decade-and-a-half long civil war in Liberia, fueled by illicit small arms and light weapons in the hands of non-state actors, is a testament to the fact.

    He noted that Liberia attaches great importance to the role of the Arms Trade Treaty—the global instrument regulating the trade and transfer of conventional arms.

   According to him, the signing means a lot to Liberia, disclosing that, out of 111 state parties, Liberia is the first to pass the act into law.

   He emphasized that the possession of firearm does not give anyone the right to fire an arm.

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