Call For Expression Of Interest




To conduct a Multi-Stakeholder Forum (MSF) for two Cities (Zwedru and Fishtown); and develop a framework document to be drawn from existing laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines in relation to the management of solid waste in Liberia, which instrument will guide the implementation of the sustainable waste Management Project.

Tasks And Responsibilities Of The Consultant.

  • Carry out desk reviews of various policy instruments – Public Health Laws, City Ordinances, environmental policy, and all other regulation relating management of wastes in both public and private places in Liberia
  • Development of a draft policy document to be validated by stakeholders during the Multi-Stakeholders Forum to guide the implementation solid waste management in the two Cities
  • Facilitate a two-day session each of the Multi stakeholders in the two cities in Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties to look in-depth into the draft policy document drawn out from various regulations and laws relating waste handling and disposal and validate the daft policy document as instrument to guide the implementation of the Sustainable WASTE Management Project

Expected Outputs:

  • Final validated policy document for the implementation of the waste management project in the two cities


  • Policy development specialist
  • Over 3 -5 years’ experience in formulation of policy document on the operation and Sustainable Management of Solid Waste
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Environment Law or Public Health Law
  • Technical skills in the analysis and development of Waste Management policy document
  • Good working knowledge and communication skills

Time Frame/Duration

The consultant will conduct the task as shown in the table below. The schedule is subject to extension and changes based upon the evaluation arrangements.

Schedule for the activities

Desk Review5 daysContacts with relevant Institutions
Development of draft policy document2 days 
Travel of the consultant to south eastMarch __, 2021In South east
Conduct first sessionMarch _, 2021Two days in Zwedru with the stakeholders
Travel to River GeeMarch _, 2021Travel
Conduct second sessionMarch _, 2021Two days in Fishtown with the stakeholders.
ReturnMarch __, 2021Return to Monrovia

Evaluation Methodology And Criteria

The evaluation of offers will use the Quality and Cost Based Selection methodology as detailed in Annex C.

  1. Detailed evaluation to assess the technical quality of bids against the criteria in the Terms of Reference in the invitation and determine their total technical score.
  2. Financial comparison of those bidders who were substantially responsive and determination of the financial score of each bid;
  3. Technical and financial scores will be combined, using the weightings given in the invitation, to give a total score for each bid and to   and to determine the best evaluated bid. The bidder with the highest total score will be ranked first and recommended for contract award, subject to any negotiations required.

Mode Of Consultant’s Payment

The payment to the consultant will be made based upon the acceptance of the ToR and signing of the contract as per the renumeration terms defined in the contract.

Starting dateASAP
Applications for this position should be sent to:Project New Outlook (PNO), Barnard Farm Paynesville, Montserrado County or email to [email protected]
Note:After reviewing the applications received by the closing date, within two (2) weeks period “if you don’t hear from us consider your application unsuccessful.” We encourage you to apply again for posted and advertised positions in our Organization, for which you qualify in the future.
Closing date:One week from date of publication

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