Health Minister: 14 Counties In Red


Health Minister, Dr. Wilhelmina Jallah, has disclosed that fourteen (14) counties out of fifteen in the country have been affected by the deadly Coronavirus.

   Making disclosure at the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT) regular press briefing on Capitol Hill, Minister Jallah noted that from January to current the Corona virus cases have reached 5,306 in the fourteen of the fifteen counties of Liberia.

   Dr. Jallah stated that the increase in Corona virus cases is because of the refusal of some people to adhere to the national health regulations. “Stay out of crowded areas,” the Minster advised the public. Providing statistics on the country’s Covid-19 cases, she said that June alone recorded about 2,041 cases.

   According to Dr. Jallah, from July 1—15 one thousand-plus cases have be recorded in the country. Discussing more on Covid-19, she said a plan is underway by the Government of Liberia (GOL) to vaccinate about two million (2.M) Liberians. Dr. Jallah indicated that the proposed two million amounts to 52% of the country’s population. She noted that the vaccination targets 18-year-olds and above.

   The Health Minister informed the public that about 91,000 vaccine doses are expected soon in country, stating that she wants those who took the first vaccine to be patient because the balance doses are expected soon, including J&J and other Coronavirus vaccines.

   She spoke on a wide range of issues confronting the health issues, but advised that the public continues with the national health protocols in order to help save Liberia from Covid-19.

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