CENTAL Commences Three-Day Retreat


The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) has commenced a three-day retreat to reflect on lesson learned, impacts and challenges experienced during the implementation of the inception phase of its National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program.

   Held under the theme, “Reflecting and Planning for Greater Impact”, the retreat seeks to improve organizational performance through reflection on successes and challenges in the inception phase of the NIBA Program implementation as well as to collectively plan and develop an agenda for the up-coming phase of the Program.

   Speaking at the opening of the retreat, being held at Hotel Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, on Thursday, July 29, 2021, CENTAL’s Executive Director, Anderson Miamen, lauded the staff for their continued contributions to the work and viability of the organization in the implementation of the first/inception phase of its National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption Program.

   He urged them to beware of their roles and responsibilities in the fight against corruption and integrity building in Liberia and the challenges involved in the process. The CENTAL boss also thanked the Board of Directors for their unflinching support to work of the Team over the period, and looked forward to more support for the years ahead.

   Miamen equally admonished the staff to further prepare themselves for the task ahead in the implementation of the second phase of the NIBA Program.

   The retreat will cover presentations on different aspects of the NIBA Program, including Monitoring and Evaluation; Youth Engagement Program- IClub; Media and Communications; Open Expenditure Forum; and the Advocacy and Legal Advice Center. Presentations will also be delivered on the National Integrity Forum, Finances, Revised Institutional Documents as well as engagements by County Field Officers at the local level.

   The Chair of the Board of Directors, Cllr. T. Negbalee Warner, is expected to grace the retreat and further encourage the staff as they gear up to implement the second phase of the NIBA Program.

   The NIBA Program is a 3.5-year project targeting seven counties: Montserrado, Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa, Rivercess, Bomi and Gbarpolu. It seeks to, among other things, empower citizens with relevant pieces of information to demand for and take action against corruption in Liberia.

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