Youth Group Conducts Census On Plastic Waste


The Progressive Youth for Sustainable Development Incorporated, a grassroots community-based organization, on Saturday, August 27, 2021 conducted a census and awareness on plastic waste in East community, Bong Mines Bridge, Bushrod Island.

   The census and awareness initiative was intended to inform the organization about issues the residents deemed as priorities for the community and subsequently share the collected information with donors and international partners for possible intervention.

   Speaking to the Hot Pepper, the Founder and Executive Director of the Progressive Youth for Sustainable Development Incorporated, Calvin Jallah, said the people of East community have expressed the dire need for hand pumps that will provide safe-drinking water for them and a clinic that will cater to their health needs.

   According to Jallah, the residents also expressed the need for pit latrines to serve strangers and the residents who do not have latrines at home. Furthermore, he said, they said they are in need of basic social services, like providing medical supplements for less fortunate individuals, etc.

   He used the occasion to call on local and international groups to buttress their effort in helping to improve slum communities in Monrovia and beyond.

   Founded in August 2014, Progressive Youth for Sustainable Development Incorporated is an environmental community-based youth organization involved with the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector. It is also involved with electoral accountability, advocacy, climate change and grassroots women economic empowerment.

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